
Suspended Driver License

Memphis Attorneys Dedicated to Protecting your Right to a Driver’s License

Aggressive Criminal Defense to Defend Suspended Driver License Charges in Arlington, Bartlett, Collierville, Cordova, Germantown and Millington

Driving on a suspended License

Brooks law firm protects your right to drive in Tennessee


Have you been charged with having a suspended driver license?

Driving on a suspended license is a misdemeanor in Tennessee and punishments can range from fines to even serious jail time for repeated infractions.

Accumulating more than 12 points in a one year period can result in your license being suspended or revoked for:


  • DUI involving drugs or alcohol
  • Speeding
  • Motor-vehicle felony
  • Two reckless driving charges in one year
  • Fleeing arrest or an officer
  • Leaving the scene of an accident
  • Repeat violations such as running a red light, stop sign or parking fines
Sched­ule an Admin­is­tra­tive Hear­ing To Pro­tect Minor’s Rights and CDL License

Con­test these find­ings in an admin­is­tra­tive hearing

·         Accept and you can be offered court-approved defen­sive dri­ving course ( the court can waive sus­pen­sion or reduce sus­pen­sion time)

·         If under the age of 18 DOS will send you a pro­posed sus­pen­sion let­ter after six points and require a defen­sive dri­ving course

·         If you accu­mu­late between 6 and 9 points you driver’s license can be sus­pended for 3 to 6 months and if more than 10 points you can get your license sus­pended for up to six months

·         If under 21 years of age and you con­victed of attempt­ing to pur­chase or pos­sess alco­hol you can lose your dri­ving priv­i­leges for one year

·         If you are a com­mer­cial dri­ver you may be required to notify your employer or DOS within 30 days  if you have received a vio­la­tion out­side of Tennessee.

Your license can be suspended for failure to pay a ticket, child support or receiving more than 12 points on your driving record within a year. Call Brooks Law firm for a free consultation of your suspended driver license charge (901) 324-5000.

You have options other than pleading guilty to suspended driver license charge. You have an absolute right to have the charges dismissed or reduced with various options. Don’t settle for a record and court costs that can suspend your license all over again if not paid within specified time frame. Protect your right to drive with experienced representation from Memphis Criminal Attorneys who understand.

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